on the go

We deliver comprehensive electromobility solutions, AC and DC
charging stations including power management from design
to turnkey implementation.

DeFINE: We are defining the future of electromobility

Completely developed and manufactured in the Czech Republic

We started out as a manufacturer of DefiBOX charging stations, which is still true, but what fundamentally sets us apart from the competition is the design and implementation of the charging infrastructure for both AC and DC stations. We can offer you our DefiBoxes, or Circontrol, Alpitronic and other stations. If you already have stations, we will check whether they can be integrated into your power management system.


Thanks to real-time orchestration, we will take care of the effective management of your charging station so you do not have to exceed the reserved capacity at your distributor of electricity.

What solution do we offer?

Residential buildings


Central control

Chargeup Charging station loT Server Administration External systems Server Databases Client APP Control system in MaR Building’s EFAS

Wallbox with controllable charging capacity of from 3.6 to 22 kW. Control unit, quality stainless steel chassis and gyroscope. Display and RFID card reader. Public charging possible.

IoT structure for real-time management of all charging stations according to the current free charging capacity of the installation. Management of prioritisation of charging stations.

Interface for communication with building, possibility of sending information from the charging system. Possibility of supplementing system with web scheme of charging stations with current charging overview and a central stop function for Facility Management.

Connection to customer’s accounting system. Automatic synchronisation of data over API. Accounting for charging of individual vehicles and allocation of data to driver logbooks.

Use of API. The connection of access to multiple customers or building surveillance. Transmission of data with customer databases, accounting system and applications.

Cooperation with third-party security databases, the control system authorises the validity of customer cards.

Connection to building’s electronic fire alarm system. Turns off charging in case alarm is sounded. Separate stop button close to charging stations to shut them down in case of danger.

Simple online access to administration of charging. Control of accounting and payments for charging.

Mobile online application for the authorisation of charging. Start of charging, control of current charging status, payment and administration.

Power optimisation

The system makes sure, in real time, that the building’s total consumption, including charging, does not exceed the monitored maximum of the building’s reserved capacity.
Thanks to this, it saves expenses for the additional purchase of reserved capacity from the distributor. Outside the building’s peak consumption, it uses free capacity for charging at full power.

Hourly power of day with maximum load 20.7.2020

energy in kWh (hourly maximum 1532 kW at 12 p.m.)

  Hourly maximum
  Other values
  Hourly maximum
  Other values
  Controlled charging with orchestration Sample of 10 cars with possibility to charge 22 kW with arrival at 8 a.m. and departure at 5 p.m.
  Hourly maximum
  Other values
  Uncontrolled charging without orchestration Sample of 10 cars with possibility to charge 22 kW with arrival at 8 a.m. and departure at 5 p.m.

We offer
comprehensive services

All-in-one. We will help you prepare the conception and documentation. We will implement, revive and calibrate your control system. Following the implementation, we will configure the logins on the basis of existing access cards and each month we will allocate the charging to private and company. We will resolve the balancing of the reserved capacity from the distributor against the peak charging power with you so that you will continue to have an inexpensive supply of electricity.


We will discuss all the possibilities with you and help you choose the best path for your project.

Future expansion

When designing your solution, we discuss the issue of further expansion with you so that you do not subsequently have to run up against charging station capacity limits.


We prepare the documentation, discuss it with the fire department and ensure all the necessary permits for the installation.


We will prepare the switchboard in the substation, distribute the cables, connect it to the MaR building and put the charging stations into operation. We will plan this all so that it limits the operation of your building to the least possible extent.

System operation

Each month we will prepare the accounting for you or send the invoices to the end customers. At the same time, we evaluate the level of the contractual parameters with the distributor.

Assistance services

If you need our help, we keep a non-stop dispatch service for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Safety first

When filling up with any fuel, it is necessary to adhere to increased safety, and electric vehicles are no exception. Together with the fire department, we focused on defining the safety standards for charging inside buildings. The result is standards summarised into four basic groups that have to be examined in each project. As a superstructure to maximize safety, we also offer a camera surveillance system over the charged vehicles, which continuously evaluates whether the system is overheating and is able to shut down the system and raise an alarm.

The conception of the placement of the charging stations

To maintain the greatest possible safety, we recommend where to place the charging stations. If necessary, it will then be possible to very quickly and easily get a problematic car out of the building.

Connection with electronic fire alarm system

The electronic fire alarm system controlling the function of the charging stations is able to turn them off at any time in extreme situations.

Central Stop

Each charging station has an emergency switch; this emergency feature is not installed directly on the charging station, but is located in its vicinity.

Dispatching for Facility Management

Facility management monitors the operations of the entire building, thus it must have the option to identify which vehicle is charging in which station in the event of an emergency or to turn off the entire system remotely.


DC station Česká spořitelna

PasserInvest - building DELTA

PasserInvest - building FILADELFIE

PasserInvest - building FILADELFIE

PasserInvest - building ALPHA

Project "Opuštěná Brno"

Metronom Business Center

Metronom Business Center

Project "Brno Hlinky"

SVJ Padovská

City tower

Project Vanguard XL


Contact Us

Irena Krupová

Back office

+420 734 244 911

David Pabouček

Company Director

+420 702 288 668

Ondřej Štogl

Technical Specialist

+420 734 535 963

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